Corporate Readiness

We partner with companies to help them embrace Neurodiversity: recognizing the value of a diversity of minds in the workplace.

Hiring a neurodivergent individual is not charity, but sound business strategy, a fact which may be overlooked in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts. 

Many corporations face challenges with attracting and hiring neurodivergent individuals in an inclusive manner.

We provide strategic consulting to businesses ready to embrace and capitalize on the benefits of neurodiversity.  Whether you are a small, medium or large-sized business, we want to partner with you!

We identify jobs that leverage the unique skills and strengths of neurodivergent talent; we find and match appropriate talent from our qualified pool of business-ready candidates; and we train and educate companies to fully integrate these employees into the workplace.

Our Service Offerings

Talent Acquisition

We find, assess, prepare, and support neurodivergent talent.

We assist hiring managers in identifying jobs that are a strategic fit for these individuals.

We match our candidates to jobs based on experience, skills, cognitive style and job-specific aptitude. 

We prepare our candidates for the hiring process, and provide them and the hiring teams with on-going support.

Corporate Training
and Education

We provide neurodiversity training and education for different teams and audiences within an organization.

What is neurodiversity, why it matters and how to begin building inclusive workplaces for neurodivergent talent.

How to start a neurodiversity hiring program at your company and how to leverage neurodivergent talent for strategic business innovation, employee engagement and productivity.

Practical steps to make your interview and hiring processes inclusive, Affirmative Action compliance and planning: Section 503 (Rehabilitation Act), ADA, Self ID campaigns and strategy.

Practical, hands-on training on inclusive leadership and practical strategies for leading and working in a neurodiverse team based on diverse learning and communication styles.

Coming Soon: Supplemental self-guided, digital learning focused on the basics of Neurodiversity in the Workplace (with options for integration with existing Learning Management System platforms).

Corporate Neurodiversity
Workplace Consulting

We advise on inclusive workplace practices that incorporate universal design and inclusion for all learning styles and minds.

Analyze current interview processes and develop an inclusive interview process that addresses bias towards neurodivergent job candidates.

Review and enhance job descriptions to attract neurodivergent talent.

Conduct market research for job position/salary leveling.

Review and enhance current documents and processes to be clear for neurodivergent team members: job procedures, training manuals, accommodations requests, and performance reviews.

Strategic consulting on building a Neurodiversity Hiring Program at your company; government initiatives in affirmative action; federal employment goals; federal tax incentives; Paid Internship Programs (CA Only).

Connect with Us

If you work for a company or know one that is ready to embrace neurodiversity, we would love to connect with you.